Sunday, April 30, 2006

Thanks and Some Thoughts on Prayer

First I want to thank everyone for their supportive comments on the previous post. It was a rather upsetting conversation for me... mostly because of where I am now rather than her actual words. But like I said before, my level of frustration is rather low and it doesn't take very much to push me over the edge these days.

Like many of the people who responded, I've also spent some time in churches that held the same belief system as Andrea. But, I never could buy into the "pray harder and have more faith and God will grant it" mentality. I guess part of the reason is that I did spend so much of my youth praying that my brother could hear. And no one can tell me that I didn't have enough faith. I used to dream that he would get his hearing back. I used to pray so hard and believe so strongly that he would be able to hear that I would see little signs... like he'd turn his head just as a truck passed the house... and I'd convince myself that he heard the truck and it was just a matter of time before he could hear everything. But alas, it never happened so when those folks tried to tell me it was my fault I had a hard time believing them.

But what really kept me from buying into their theology was the concept of "least common denominator." In other words, if you had a group of people praying for the same thing and only one person didn't have enough faith; then that prayer would go unanswered. At least that seems like the logical conclusion for the "have enough faith" argument.

Let's think about it for a second... Let say that we have two people praying for the same thing. Let's say that the first person (Mary) has enough faith and if she prayed alone then God would grant the prayer request. But the second person (Susan) doesn't have enough faith. If she were praying alone, God would not grant the request.

So, faced with this dilemma, what's God to do? Well, *IF* you believe what these folks are saying; it would seem to me that God wouldn't answer the prayer. If He did; that would mislead Susan into believing that she did have enough faith. Then she wouldn't work harder to improve her faith. Right? So even though Mary has enough faith -- she has to go without because she asked Susan to pray with her.

That just seems contrary to how *I* would see God and yet, it does seem like the logical extension of Andrea's argument... doesn't it?

Then if you expand this analogy, if you ask everyone in your church or on your prayer chain or in your Bible study to pray for you... what is the likelihood that at least one person won't have the right amount of faith?

On the flip side, if you really believed this way, wouldn't it make you afraid to pray for your friends. I mean, what if you had the slightest doubt that your faith wasn't strong enough? Wouldn't it be the right thing to do as a friend to abstain from praying for your friends and your brothers and sisters in Christ so that God would answer their prayers? It seems like this belief system -- if you really bought into it and really thought about the implacations would actually STOP people from asking others to pray for them as well as STOP people from praying even if they knew a need.

Heck, if my friend isn't going to get their pray answered, I don't want to be at fault for it. If they're the only one praying then they at least have a fighting chance for getting their prayer answered. And, if they don't... at least it won't be my fault.

When I was in a group that thought the same as Andrea I asked them these questions. Either they were completely clueless and had no idea what I was getting at... or, if they did follow my argument, they said I was the one that didn't understand. They said *I* was perverting the Bible. I thought their answer was rather interesting... after all, were not they the ones that were reading verses out of context?

Funny isn't it. Oh well... at least she's gone for three weeks and I don't have to worry about it.

Friday, April 28, 2006

So now I'm not a Christian...

This evening Andrea and I had an interesting conversation. I am torn between being so angry I could spit nails, feeling compassion for her immaturity, and wishing it would all just go away.

I'm sure that my most casual reader knows or at least suspects that I struggle with depression. Heck, I may have even said it before; I just can't remember. I've been in the middle of a pretty serious bout of depression for a while now. We're talking "hide the knives and shoe laces" serious.

It really bothers Andrea that I'm dealing with this depression. She thinks that I haven't prayed about it or that my faith isn't strong enough. She thinks that if I just prayed harder or asked more friends to pray for / with me; everything in my life would be rosey. Given my current mood, I won't even begin to tell you how I feel about this theory.

Usually, Andrea feeds Elizabeth and eats her own dinner before I get home at 7:30 or there abouts. But tonight she waited to eat with me. I thought this had to do with yesterday... I thought she was trying to make nice with me. Well, I thought wrong.

As I mentioned before, Andrea is leaving this weekend for her three week vacation. I'm not entirely sure of her motivation, but I think she was worried about me leaving me for three weeks with out convincing me to pray harder and improve my faith. Almost as soon as we sat down to dinner she started preaching to me about how I just needed to have more faith. I would be so much more happy and my life would be so much better if I just had faith. If I could pray and ask God to heal me and if I really had faith and believed that God would heal me... then he would answer my prayers with such abundance and I would be so happy and I would never have to deal with my depression ever again.

I tried really, really hard to let her words roll off my back. I did my best to just smile and say I would pray harder next time. I think she means well. I think it's a matter of immaturity on her part... I'm not sure if it's an immature faith or just a general lack of life experience, but she's definitely looking at the world through the eyes of someone who doesn't want to see pain and suffering.

I didn't really see the point of picking a fight with her. It was a no-win situation. There is no way that a single conversation could give her the maturity she would need to understand that it's possible to have even more and even stronger faith in the middle of difficult times. And my frustration level is really, really low right now; so I would just get myself all worked up trying to explain it to her. So I tried. I swear I tried to let it all just roll of my back and not let it affect me.

But then she did it! Then she went and pushed my buttons. I don't know if the buttons had big red signs that said, "Press here for explosion" or if she just found them by luck. But somehow she found them.

First she said that God wants us to have nothing but joy and happiness in our lives. If we just accept Him into our lives; He will bless us with happiness that we can't comprehend. If we just accept Him and had total faith in Him we will no longer have any suffering in our lives.

Well, now I was over the line... I really didn't want to share my personal life story with her, but the question I really wanted to ask her was this... "So are you saying that I was sexually abused by multiple relatives as a young child because my faith wasn't strong enough; but if I'd had a more pure faith those relatives wouldn't have done that to me?" But I just didn't have the energy to go there with her. So I asked this instead... "Are you saying that anyone who has a handicapped child is not a true Christian?"

She looked at me for a second. She was processing this question. I could see she was deep in thought... maybe debating the pros and cons of an honest answer on her part? Who knows. But finally she said that she believed that was true.


Now I was really over the line. I was in a complete and total free fall of anger and rage and disbelief. So I gave her my follow-up question... "So, I guess you're saying that my family really isn't Christian. I guess you would say it's my fault that my brother is deaf. Because I prayed for him to be healed, but he's still deaf. So do you blame me that my brother is deaf? Is it my fault?"

She wouldn't answer the question. Instead she went and got her Bible. She told me to read Matt. 21:21-22. She made me read it out loud... it says, "Then Jesus told them, 'I assure you, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, `May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and it will happen. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.'"

Then she made me read Matt. 17:20. "'You didn't have enough faith,' Jesus told them. 'I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, `Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.'"

I did defend my position. I said that I believed a faith that withstood hard times and managed to stay strong and steadfast during those hard times was a stronger faith than one that was never tested... but she would have none of that.

Luckily, just when I could feel the veins in my head throb to the point I thought they were going to explode and just when I could feel the pressure pushing against my chest to the point that I just wanted to scream... Luckily at that moment she got a phone call and I went and hid in my bedroom for the rest of the evening.

Like I said before I can't decided if this is a matter of immaturity on her part or maybe she just wants to deny pain. Maybe there is something in her own life that she can't face and therefore has to have this perfectly happy faith scenario. I don't know. I'll never know. I'm just trying to have compassion. I know she means well. But couldn't she just go and mean well some place else?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

My Artist!

I've managed to go three years without a printer at home. But I've started doing some stuff with my church and as a result have found myself running into work at 7:30 - 8:00 AM on some Sunday mornings to print out some stuff. I decided I'd had enough of that... so I finally broke down and got myself a printer.

As usually happens, technology has gotten really cheap in the last three years. So, I got a color copier, scanner, printer unit for under a hundred buck. It's pretty cool.

Yesterday Elizabeth discovered both the black and white and the color copier functions. She made some pretty cool stuff. I've scanned in the work to post here. I'm a bit disappointed with the scan quality, but I think it's because of the work... not the scanner. The colors and textures on her originals are very delicate and I think it was hard for the scanner to pick it up. So, if you like what you see here, you can always ask me to show you the originals. They're a 1000 times better.

What's really cool is that she edits her own work. She did this while I was out. When I got home she handed me the pieces I scaned in below. She was very excited to show me her stuff. When I came up to the office, I found several other versions of this stuff in the garbage. She's not just "playing" -- she's really looking at what she's doing and picking out stuff that is art-like. So without further ado... Enjoy!

PS I did all the scanning and uploading at home last night... but didn't have time to finish the text.

She apologized...

When I got home from work tonight, Andrea apologized for her behavior this morning. I did my best to accept her apology gracefully. I'm sure she really is sorry. But if I wanted to fight in the mornings... my mom would still be living with me. We'll see what happens over the next three weeks...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Is it worth it?

A few weeks ago, I posted a non-descript vent regarding child care. The origin of that vent was my au pair’s announcement that she’s going to take a three week vacation. The au pair program allows her two weeks of paid vacation. The au pair is supposed to work with the host family to pick his / her vacation time(s) when it will be convenient for the host family. Even though Andrea is only entitled to two weeks of vacation time she was insistent that she be given three consecutive weeks. We argued about this quiet a bit. I explained to her how problematic this would be for me. I have to pay her two weeks, plus I have to find and pay for additional child care while she’s gone. Frankly, the “finding” is / was the worst part.

The problem was that my previous (now pregnant and married) au pair had taken a three week vacation in the time between when she left her previous family and when she came to live with me. So, Gaby was able to go home for three weeks without creating problems for either host family. During the time that Andrea and Gaby lived at my house together, Gaby had mentioned her vacation and how nice it was to have three weeks. Andrea got it in her head that if Gaby could do… so should she and I was a big, meany, stinky pants for having a problem with her plans. So ultimately, I gave in and stopped putting up an argument. However, I did tell her she won’t get paid for the third week. (So there!)

Well, now I’m wondering if I even want to stay with this au pair business. I’m not sure this is the best way to go. Andrea has been getting under my skin lately. She throws away my mail. She threw away the battery recharger, the USB cord, a battery, and few other trinkets for my Leica digital camera because I had them in a plastic Giant shopping bag on my dresser in my bed room. She thought she was doing me a favor by taking out the trash I left sitting on MY OWN dresser. (And that recharger is becoming a real pill to replace.) When I bring home left-overs from a restaurant she will eat them and put the nearly empty containers back in the refrigerator. In the morning I grab the left-overs for my lunch only to find out at lunch time I have none. The ceiling lights and fans in the bedrooms, kitchen, and office have switches on the wall so you can easily turn them on and off. For some unknown reason she will climb up and turn them off using the little pull switch. So, I come home in the dark and can’t turn on the lights. Over the weekend she crashed my car and while the accident was most likely NOT her fault, she told everyone including the driver of the other car that it was her fault. Now I’m probably going to get charged with an at-fault accident on my insurance! Oh and there are a whole host of other things like this that really get under my skin.

But lately, it’s been escalating. I can deal with the petty stuff like the lunches. But lately she hasn’t been able to handle Elizabeth. Three days last week I got emergency calls from her because she couldn’t get Elizabeth dressed for school and she didn’t know what to do. But this morning was a real winner!

This morning I was able to go into work a little later than usual. Elizabeth was having trouble waking up. She was slow moving. She wasn’t getting dressed fast enough to please Andrea. Andrea was down in the kitchen reading a magazine and yelling up to Elizabeth telling her to hurry up. Since I was hanging around, I was encouraging Elizabeth to get dressed and trying to help her. I had a slight miss cue on the weather and told Elizabeth it was warm. Elizabeth decided to wear a short skort and short sleeves. When she was finally dressed they started off for the bus. But she got too cold and wanted to change her clothes. Andrea didn’t want her to. So this resulted in the first fight. I told Andrea to let her change. So, after the change they started off for the bus again.

Andrea realized how late they were and she started to run. She ran around a corner and out of Elizabeth’s line of sight. Now, Elizabeth does know where the bus is. She does have persistent memory, so she knows when Andrea goes around the corner she is still there. But she was tired. She was cold. She was already upset from the first fight they had this morning. So, Elizabeth panicked. She stopped dead in her tracks and started to wail. She was feeling abandoned by Andrea and she was feeling scared. Andrea didn’t know what to do, so she got mad. She went back to Elizabeth and started yelling at her. They missed the bus.

A few minutes later Andrea and Elizabeth show up at the house. I was upstairs, but I could tell right away from the sound of Elizabeth’s cries that this was real fear. I asked what happened and got a real earful from Andrea. Not only did she rely the events of the morning, but then she went on to criticize my parenting (oh there’s that evil thing again.) She said I don’t set good enough limits and that I don’t make Elizabeth behave. She said that I wasn’t a good mom! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???!!! Oh and the really funny part is that she said my brother and sister-in-law were much better parents and that they had complained about me, too. But that’s not all! Then Andrea starting demanding that I drive Elizabeth to school because she (Andrea) had an appointment. She also said the car wasn’t running very well since the accident and she didn’t want to be driving Elizabeth in the car.

Well, I set her straight right then and there! I told her that she was taking Elizabeth to school because that was HER job. But if the car wasn’t working she shouldn’t drive it at all and I would take the keys back. She said she would take Elizabeth, but there were a few more heated words before she left. I finally had it and I said, “Andrea, if you really believe all this stuff is true; then maybe we aren’t the right family for you.” The she started crying. Geezz! Do I really need this? I wanted an au pair because I thought it was going to make my life easier. But it’s not. The stress level is unbelievable sometimes.

This weekend Andrea leaves for her three week vacation. I will have three weeks of no au pair. I got Elizabeth a spot in SACC (that’s the after school daycare program.) We’ll see how it goes… My biggest concern in juggling my work schedule. It’s going to be hard to make it fit within the hours of SACC. But this will be a good test. I called my contact at the au pair agency today. I told her all the “fun” we were having. I said if these three weeks go well… I might just pull out of the program all together. I told her it’s been one sucky thing after another and considering how much it costs… well, let’s just say I don’t feel like I’m getting my money’s worth out of it.

So wish me luck next week. I’m a little nervous about this; especially with the sleep / wakefulness issues I’ve been having lately. Oh and I owe you an update on that, too. Those lovely little pills aren’t working so well afterall. I think it was a placebo affect that first day. So say a prayer for us… the next three weeks are going to be a challenge.

Truth Telling

So, my brother and his family spent the better part of a week with me. I love my brother and my sister-in-law (SIL) and my nieces and nephews… but it can be stressful to have them around. I’m not sure why, I can come up with two dozen or so theories, but my brother and SIL are not very good disciplinarians. They have a four year old little girl and five month old twins. The twins aren’t really a problem. They are actually the happiest babies I’ve ever seen… and after Elizabeth’s babyhood – that’s saying something. But Rachel… my niece. She can be a holy terror and her parents let her get away with it. Every bit of it.

Now let me pause here for a few disclaimers. I really hate to criticize the way other parents are raising their children. I avoid it at all costs. I’ve had my parenting criticized, actually my mom will take every possible opportunity to show me all the ways I’m a bad parent, and boy does it sting. And, aside from that, in my six years of parenting experience I’ve learned that it’s a lot easier to be a Monday morning quarterback in the parenting department. So, I realize there are a lot of different parenting styles… just as there are a lot of different parents and children, and as long as a parent seems to be acting in love and in a non-abusive way, I don’t judge. If asked, I’m always willing to share what’s worked for me, things that have worked for friends even if they didn’t work for me, and even things I’ve read about. But I don’t judge.

But when it comes to living with a holy terror or when it comes to having a child behave in ways that are dangerous for the child (e.g., we were in downtown DC and my niece decided it would be fun to run away from any known adult and ran into busy city streets at rush hour), well in those cases, I just can’t help myself. I have to step up to the plate and be the disciplinarian no matter how much it kills me. Frankly, a world view in which I am playing the role as the biggest, most scary disciplinarian is truly a frightening world to me. That’s just not who I am.

However this past week, I found myself living in the frightening world of the lone disciplinarian. I discovered that I have a “mommy voice.” I used my mommy voice a lot this week. The first time I heard myself using the mommy voice, a frightened Elizabeth turned to her cousin and said in whispered tones, “You better listen to her now. She means business.” Really all Rachel needed was a time out or two. She needed someone to tell her if she didn’t listen to them, then she would get a time out; and then actually enforce the time out. Once she knew I meant business, she listened to me. Her parents were amazed at how well she listened to me. They didn’t think she was capable of that kind of behavior.

But here’s why I’ve taken the time to share all this with you… Elizabeth, Rachel, and I were walking in Tyson’s Corner. I said that any child who listened to me for a certain amount time would get a treat at the food court. Elizabeth piped up and said, “Mommy, I’ve been listening really good all day.” I agreed with Elizabeth and that prompted the following conversation:

Rachel: Me listen, too.
Me (with a smile): Sometimes.
Rachel: Me listen to my mommy and daddy.
Me: Really? I didn’t see you listening to your mommy and daddy today.
Rachel: Me listen at home.
Me (trying to look very serious): Are you sure?
Rachel (She looked me in the eyes for a second, then she got a very devilish grin on her face): Me listen in school good.

She’d been caught and she knew it. It’s amazing to me just much analytical ability young children really have.

Friday, April 21, 2006

More Sex Talk

This might seem like two sex related posts in a row. But, it's really not. This is actually going to be a rant about how doctor's devalue the experience of their patients and how demoralizing that can be. However, if topics like uterine placement and words like speculum make you nervous... feel free to skip this post.

So, earlier this week I went for my PAP. I've been remiss because this was the first PAP I've had since I moved to VA (going on two years now.) I'm not particularly worried because I've always been extremely faithful in the past and I've never had an abnormal PAP... so it's most likely OK that I took a year off (so to speak.)

This did mean that I was seeing a brand new doctor who knew nothing about me. In the beginning interview, I explained to her that I have a "tilted uterus" (whatever that means) and my cervix is extremely hard to visualize. She said, very smugly, "Oh really." I went on to say that if she had any special tricks she used for difficult cases she should use them today. I told her I've had some pretty painful exams because of this.

I tried to keep the conversation a little on the light side, so I told her about one time when I had a student nurse practitioner try to find it... that hurt like hell!

She gave me a side-ways glance. She didn't believe me. I could see it all over her face... She was going to prove me wrong. She opened her drawer and took out what I thought was a tiny, toy speculum model. "I like to use these because they're more comfortable." she said.

I just rolled my eyes. She was totally and completely dismissing me. I mean this is MY body! And the funny thing is... it's not like I was asking her to do something off beat or untested for my personal comfort. True, my personal comfort was my ultimate goal, but goodness, I wasn't trying to diagnosis anything or tell her that she was doing something wrong... I was just trying to give her a head's up. It's like when the nurse comes in to take blood -- I always point out which arm has the better veins. I don't see how what I said was any different. Why is it that doctors always assume they know everything?

So how did this all end up... she pinched me. She scratched me. She poked and pulled and pushed and manipulated and tilted. Finally, as the tears were rolling down my checks she discarded the little toy thingy and got a regular one.

When it was all over, I said, "I guess you can see why that student nurse practitioner has been seared into my memory."

"You're certainly not a teaching case." she said. That's it! No --> I'm sorry for putting you through this. No --> I should have listened to you. Nothing!!! And she was a WOMAN too! I just don't get it.

They Times, They are a Changin'"

Last night I was in a local Barnes and Nobles bookstore. I was browsing through the religious section... I had a couple of books on how to pray in my hands and I was looking for other books that my inspire me to be more worshipful. I spied a book with the title "Sheet Music." I picked it up and without looking at the cover, I just let it flip open.

The topic was oral sex. I smiled, thinking to myself that some kid must have taken this sex manual out of the "relationships" section and read it in the religion section so they could do research without alerting their parents.

I started to put the book back on the shelf when something caught my eye. It was the name "Dr. Dobson." I started to read the back cover a little closer. This book was written by some lackey of Dr. Dobson and was actually condoned by them. "Hmm..." I thought to myself. "I must have mis-read the page I originally opened to. They seemed to think oral sex was a good thing."

I HAD to look a little closer. I was RIGHT! They did like oral sex. They thought it was a good thing. The book was chocked full of tips... everything from different positions to the use of Altoids mints. EEWWW! How racy. Don't get me wrong... I have nothing against some good clean I mean dirty clean ahh.. whatever... I have nothing against some good oral sex. It just gives me the willies that it's now endorsed by Dr. Dobson.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


That thud is the sound of me fainting. Yesterday (well last night really) my brother, SIL, their four-year-old daughter, and their five month old twins came to visit me. They'll be staying for the rest of the week.

My sister-in-law had some surprising and shocking and a little distressing news for me. She's pregnant! Yes, this is the family that can barely support themselves. They are now a family of five living in a tiny two-bedroom apartment. It's totally cramped there. I don't know how they manage to survive in this small space with three kids.

This pregnancy came as a complete and total shock! Doctors have repeatedly told my SIL that she can not get pregnant on her own. When Rachel was born (their first) she underwent infertility treatments for over two years. Finally they took out a huge loan so they could go for IVF. This loan ended up putting them in bankruptcy, but who could complain when you looked at my beautiful little niece.

The twins were born because the place where my brother works changed insurance companies. The new insurance plan covered four attempts at IVF for no cost. The twins were conceived on the second attempt.

They had never even considered birth control. They've been married more than ten years and have never used birth control.


Monday, April 17, 2006

Sanity Check

Saturday night, when I was giving Elizabeth her pre-Easter bath, I discovered that Andrea (my au pair)is taking baths with Elizabeth while I'm at work.

If you are a regular reader, you know that I have a history of sexual abuse as a child. So, when Elizabeth told me this; my initial reaction was to take all of Andrea's personal belonging, put them on the side walk, and then have all of the locks changed before she returned from her evening out.

Instead, I took a deep breathe and as calmly as I could, I asked Elizabeth some more questions. I didn't want to make her alarmed for nothing and I certainly didn't want to plant any ideas in her head, so I just asked her questions about how she got clean when she was in the tub with Andrea. Things like... Did Andrea help her wash? Did she ever help Andrea wash? Did she ever touch Andrea while Andrea was washing or vise versa.

Based on how calm and dispassionate Elizabeth was and her answers... I think these baths with Andrea are innocent. I think!

But even if they are innocent, it still makes me uncomfortable. And I'm also concerned that it's setting a bad precedence for Elizabeth. If she gets used to taking baths with a non-relative adult... wouldn't that make her more likely to get into a tub with another adult that might be less innocent?

So for those reasons and whatever other reasons we can think of I'm going to tell Andrea that I do not want her to take baths with or get naked in front of Elizabeth for any reason (Well, ok, if Andrea's clothes are on fire, she can take them off after she does the stop, drop and roll thing. But that's it!)

But here's where I'd like the sanity check... Do you think that is good enough... just to ask her not to that? Given my history, it's really, really hard to think about this things rationally I don't want to over react, but then I get worried that my "not over reacting" is so toned down that I'm not reacting enough. So please... tell me. What do you think? What would you do?
Do you think there is any sin God can not forgive? What happens if you die before you can ask forgiveness? What about people who kill themselves? Is that a sin? Does God forgive them?

Friday, April 14, 2006

What’s in a name?

Baby names have become a popular subject around these parts. I was going to post some of this stuff a couple of months ago, but lost my nerve. I was afraid people would think I’m crazy. But what the heck… I think people are starting to know me well enough to realize I really am crazy; so there’s no point hiding it any more.

A couple of months ago, I was telling some friends how Elizabeth came to be named after me. You see, I really hate the name Elizabeth. Well, at least I hated it when I was growing up. I felt like the name Elizabeth was big and clumsy and completely lacking grace… all things that I felt described me. I felt like having the name Elizabeth announced to the world, “Here come one big, clumsy, ugly, slob.”

It didn’t help that my mom was and still is very lazy when it came to saying my name. She has never pronounced it correctly. She always says “Lizbuth.” Can you imagine always hearing Lizbuth. It just felt ugly. I think on a subconscious level that added to my feeling that the name was too big and too awkward. Heck, she couldn’t even say all of the syllables.

I longed for a beautiful, popular name. I wanted to be Patty. I would have died to be Linda. Even Amy would have been a good name.

You see, I made an interesting observation all those years as a Lizbuth. I noticed that a person’s name seemed to roughly equate with their social status. If you had a beautiful, popular name, then you were a beautiful, popular person. If you had a fat, awkward, ugly, unpopular name then you were a fat, awkward, ugly unpopular person. Most people seemed to have average names and they were average looking, average intelligence, average popularity. There were a few people who managed to overcome their name and achieve higher social standing than their name would imply – but this was the oddity. And you never saw someone with a beautiful, popular name with social standing below their name. I have never met an ugly, unpopular Linda. Have you? It just doesn’t happen.

In other words, giving your child a good name was good. Giving your child an average name was OK. Giving your child a bad name was playing with fire… there was a very slim chance they could overcome its badness, but the odds are that you were dooming your child to a life of unpopularity, ridicule, and ugliness.

You see this is how my mind worked as a 10-year-old. And while, the principles seemed to have held true through thirty-odd years of testing them, I don’t really believe this. At least not as much as I did when I was kid.

However, when it came time to name my own child… well, I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t pick a name that wasn’t on the top ten list. I wasn’t about to take that risk. If my child turned out to have a hard time in the social department… I didn’t want one bit of that blood on my hands. I was going to do everything in my power to give my child every possible advantage. Even if that meant something as stupid and superstitious giving her a name that was on the top ten list.

I’ve never told anyone this before. I didn’t even tell Elizabeth’s father why I was so adamant that her name had to be on the top ten list. I kinda fell like it’s slightly crazy. But crazy or not… we’re talking about someone’s life here and I take my responsibility as a parent very seriously. I’m going to give my child every advantage I can… even if the advantage is only in my own mind. (Besides, what if I AM right?)

Elizabeth’s father wanted to name her after one of our cats. At the time we had the following cats: Zeus, Buba, Synthesis, Vector, Fulcrum, Thruster-spot, Thruster-not, Baby, and Torque. I’m not making this up. He really wanted to give our child one of these names. After hours and hours and hours of fighting, we came to the compromise that our child COULD have Zeus as her middle name of an appropriate first name could be identified. I wasn’t happy with this decision, but we were at a dead lock and I decided that an odd middle name was a million times better than an odd first name. Heck, even without my Popular Name Theory; our cats didn’t have names that readily translated to human names.

Feeling the taste of victory, Elizabeth’s father started to concentrate on more reasonable first names. He decided that our child should be called Amanda Zeus. This name does have a certain ring to it. It’s not a bad name. But I found it unacceptable. First, I have some bad associations with name Amanda. I knew a girl in college… not pretty, not popular, nuff said. And to prove that point the name Amanda was not on the top ten list for that year.

The name Samantha was on the list. I suggested Samantha Zeus. It has the same ring as Amanda Zeus, plus the benefit of being on “The List.” Besides, I liked the idea of having a little girl name Sammy. In my mind’s eye I could imagine this little, curly haired girl with big eyes bopping around my house.

I made the pitch to her father and he liked it. Everything was settled. Our child would be named Samantha Zeus.

Somewhere around week 36 or 37 Elizabeth’s father dropped the bomb. He announced that Samantha Zeus was unacceptable because his child had to have a Biblical name. This was pretty disturbing news. We were getting down the wire. The name had been agreed to weeks before. Now all of a sudden everything was different.

I went to get “The List.” Mysteriously, the list was mixed in with his car magazine. I thought this was odd. Had he been looking at it recently?

One look at the list and my heart sank. The only Biblical name on the list was Elizabeth. Her father knew how much I hated my name. He knew I would scratch my own eye balls out with my finger nails if I could get a better name. I had the odd feeling he was playing with me. But what could I say. On the surface, he looked like he was earnestly interested in religious pursuits. He exampled how it was a long family tradition on his side of the family… Children had to be given Biblical names.

I was pretty stupid. I could have fought him on this issue, but I was so upset by the falling bomb that I missed the most obvious argument… You see, he said this was a long standing family tradition. But get this… his mom’s name is Doris and his dad’s name is Emory.

Anyway, I didn’t fight him. I went into a panic. How could I name my child Elizabeth? Yes, it made it onto the list, but I had spent so many years hating it. The next couple of days were spent ruminating on this dilemma. What was I going to do?

A funny thing happened. God talked to me. He used the television show ER, but it was a message from God. I know it was!

That season Dr. Benton was having a fling with another doctor named Elizabeth. Elizabeth was from England. She was beautiful. She had long curly hair and big, deep eyes. She was strikingly beautiful. Dr. Benton and Elizabeth were having an intense emotional scene. She was gorgeous and Dr. Benton kept saying her name. He would say E-liz-a-beth. The way he said it was beautiful. His voice was deep and strong and cradled each syllable as if were a valuable jewel. Suddenly I knew, God wanted us to name our child Elizabeth. I started to cry. I was hormonal.

You should have seen the look on her father’s face when I came bounding down with excitement and joy. He wasn’t expecting me to give in. He wasn’t expecting me to be happy about the name Elizabeth. Time was running out and he was stuck.

We argued some more over the middle name. Zeus really didn’t go with Elizabeth. It didn’t roll off the tongue. He came up with some really odd-ball suggestions. I had this idea that my daughter should have a male middle name. As a small business owner, I’d had some problems with sexism and I really wanted my daughter to have the ability to hide her gender (at least on paper.) By the way, that’s another reason I had like Samantha so much. But with a male middle name she could always sign documents as E. Middlename.

After much fighting we settled on Elizabeth Franklin. Now that she’s six years old; I think her name suits her.
Mark 15:21-32 (NRSV)

They compelled a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus. Then they brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means the place of a skull). And they offered him wine mixed with myrrh; but he did not take it. And they crucified him, and divided his clothes among them, casting lots to decide what each should take.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when they crucified him. The inscription of the charge against him read, "The King of the Jews." And with him they crucified two bandits, one on his right and one on his left. Those who passed by derided him, shaking their heads and saying, "Aha! You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!" In the same way the chief priests, along with the scribes, were also mocking him among themselves and saying, "He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the Messiah, the King of Israel, come down from the cross now, so that we may see and believe." Those who were crucified with him also taunted him.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

What’s up with people?

Maybe I’m just getting old, but it seems like people in the workforce are real jerks. Especially some of the younger folks.

I had to send some people to a meeting in Philly. It’s a day trip from here. It’s a really long day trip, but doable. I’ve done New York to DC as a day trip more than once for business. In fact, doing a DC to Philly day trip doesn’t even rank among the memorable crappy things I’ve been asked to do for a job. I’ve had employers ask me to do some really sucky things.

So, I ask these people to go. No, I tell them to go. It’s a critical meeting for a mission critical project.

What happens? They whine. They cry. They complain. I get to hear all about how one of them is breast feeding and it’s going to be such a hardship to take her pump on the train. (It's ONE frigg'n day!) I get to hear about how long they day is going to be. (So?) I get to hear about how much this is going to be for inconvenient them. (Yeah, working is inconvenient.)

In my whole entire career I’ve never complained to my boss when I was asked to do something. Once or twice there have been real, serious constraints (e.g., I was past the point in my pregnancy when the doctor said not to travel.) But I’ve never complained about inconvenience. I might have bitched to my friends… but never to my boss.

But these people… what’s wrong with them? I’m not their boss – I’m their boss’s boss. Can you imagine that? Can you picture yourself going into your boss’s boss and saying, “I really don’t think I should have to go to Philly because I’ll get home late!”


But that’s not all… these people don’t even want to do the niceties for EACH OTHER. One woman in our department is out due to surgery. I tried to organize a collection to buy her flowers. There are twenty-five people in the department. THREE of them contributed to the flowers.

Now this might sound cynical, but I always give to these things. If I like the person, I give a lot. If it’s someone I don’t know or have neutral feelings towards, I give a reasonable amount. If it’s someone I don’t like, I give a non-insulating amount. The reason… I worry about how it makes me look to superiors. I mean, you want to be seen as a team player… right? Part of being a team player is taking care of your co-workers. I always worry that management will view me negatively if I don’t play nice.

I was shocked that people don’t care. No wonder the world is going down in flames… people don’t even know how to PRETEND that they care.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cheeta is 74

Long retired from "acting" and now living at a primate sanctuary in - where else? - Palm Springs, Calif., Cheeta celebrated his world-record 74th birthday Sunday. He's said by the folks at the Guinness Book of World Records to be the world's oldest primate. Few chimps are known to have lived past the age 50

According to National Public Radio, in retirement Cheeta has become an avid painter.

Best known for his roles alongside Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan in the Tarzan movies, Cheeta first appeared on screen in 1934 and had parts in 12 flicks.

Weissmuller died in 1984, at the age of 79. O'Sullivan died in 1988, at the age of 87. Johnny Sheffield (who played "Boy") celebrates his 75th birthday today.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Better Living Through Chemistry

Ahhh! Drugs are good. At least legal ones. On Friday I was concerned, melancholy, and perhaps even a bit sardonic. This was caused by the possible diagnosis of Narcolepsy. Now, I’m even more worried about what will happen if I’m not diagnosed with this disorder.

You see my doc, a great lady I will say, was worried that I might crash my car or have some other catastrophic event due to my potential illness and the very real symptoms that I’ve been experiencing. So, she prescribed a medication that is given to narcoleptics.

I took my first dose on Saturday morning. Here it is Monday afternoon and I just want to kiss the ground she walks on. This is the most amazing, life changing event I've ever expierenced. This is ALMOST as good as becoming a mother and way better than sex. I feel like a REAL person and not some zombie posing as a person. (Come to think of it, this is going to make being a mom and sex even better, too.)

The most amazing things are happening to me. Are you ready for this… I woke up BEFORE the alarm clock this morning! If you haven’t spent the night at my house, you can’t imagine how amazingly wonderful and miraculous this event is. My typical morning goes like this…

* Set the alarm clock for one hour before I have to wake-up.
* Actually HEAR the alarm clock at the time I have to wake-up. (I’ve been told that I hit the snooze alarm a lot, but I have no memory of that.)
* Sit on the side of my bed for 30 minutes waiting for the fog to clear enough that I can walk to the bathroom.
* Sit in the bathroom for 15 – 20 minutes so I can remember that I have to take a shower and start my day.
* Take a shower and get dressed

General note: If you say ANYTHING to me before I’ve been awake and WALKING around for at least an hour – I will NOT remember it.

Safety Note: You do not have to worry about Elizabeth’s safety because somehow I can hear her voice – it manages to break through the clouds. And whenever I hear her voice while I’m sleeping I get such a rush of adrenaline that I wake up with a start and I can deal with her. Nature can be amazing sometimes.

But here is what happened this morning:

* Woke up before the alarm clock
* Went directly to the computer and checked my email and surfed a little (I actually remember what I read, too.)
* Put a load of laundry in the washer.
* Loaded up the dishwasher
* Talked to Andrea about the week’s schedule and next week (I remember the entire conversation and I especially remember the odd looks she kept giving me.)
* Did some light cleaning / organizational stuff.
* Took a shower and got dressed
* Checked my email again
* Got to work earlier than a “normal” day.

Can you see how AMAZING this is???

Here’s an even better part… I’ve only had two very short symptomatic “events” today. I CAN NOT believe that I have been living my life – twenty-four hours a day – seven days a week – feeling like I do for those two short periods when I was overcome. My head was so foggy and I had (comparatively) no ability to concentrate. Man, just think what my life would be like if I had discovered this drug in college! I feel born again. I feel alive for the first time in my life. This is totally amazing and wonderful and fantastic.

Now, what happens if they decide I don’t have narcolepsy? What will I do if they want to take this drug away from me? Now that I know what it feels like to be fully conscious and awake and aware and clear headed… I can’t go back to that dead, dark, foggy, hell hole that used to be my existence.

Lucky in Love

On my last trip to get things out of the ex's house before it was completely taken over by the bank, I found a few things more valuable than money. Here are the photos from grandparent's 60th Wedding Anniversary Party. They never had a "real" wedding and my grandma always wanted a wedding reception. The VERY next morning I found out I was (YIPPIE) pregnant. All-in-all wonderful pictures:

Grandma Thelma and Grandpa Ken. Married 60 years. When Grandpa passed away last fall, they had celebrated six more anniversaries.

My brother David, my mom Sharon, SIL Beth, Grandpa, Me, and Grandma

Finally getting to cut her cake!

The cake.

And it was yummy!

The happy family.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Here we go again...

There have been a couple of times in my life when the stress was so great that I made myself sick. Literally. There was the time I was so stressed out I was coughing up blood and vomiting blood at the same time. There was another occasion when I had IBS. Another time I had abnormal pains and enlarged internal organs. Each time I've under gone every conceivable medical test and they could find no organic cause for any of my symptoms. We've ruled out half a dozen autoimmune disorders, a couple of different cancers, and a few really rare disorders that I'm not even sure how to classify. But each time the stress was removed from my life... the symptoms magically and completely disappeared.

Recently I've been having some strange symptoms. Nothing as sexy as spewing blood, but they've been very troublesome and impacting every aspect of my life. (If you haven't noticed them, it's just because I'm good at covering them up. And if you have noticed them, well shame on me.)

So, I went to the doctor to have this all checked out. We're investigating four possible causes. One, I know I have... but I don't think it's serious enough to account for my symptoms. That is the doctor thinks I might be anemic. Well, I know I am. I recently was deferred from giving a blood donation because my hematocrit was too low (My count was 33 and the cut off is 38.) But I've been taking extra iron since that "rejection."

The doctor is also investigating the possibility of a low thyroid and sleep apnea. I've already been tested for both. I've had my thyroid tested hundreds of times. It always comes back within the normal range, but on the very lowest boarder line. I also did a sleep study during one of my pervious run-ins with medical science. They said I had an unusual sleep pattern. They said I wake up frequently from what appears to be bad dreams. Duh! I could have told them that. But they said I don't have sleep apnea.

So that leaves the newest possibility. The doctor is testing me for narcolepsy. This is a disorder where the person falls asleep for no apparent reason. Frankly, I think this is pretty funny. If there ever was a disorder I would get... it would be this one.

Don't get me wrong, narcolepsy is a serious disorder. I met a woman who had it and it devastated her life. So, if you or someone you know has this disorder; I'm not making fun of them. Really, I'm not. But let's face it; the media has had a field day with it. Whenever I've seen it portrayed, it's always a cartoonish depiction. That's just perfect me for me. A cartoon. Yep! That just seems to be the definition of my life... one big flipping cartoon.

Well, if this is like all the other times, I'll end up being perfectly healthy, except for the stress and as soon as the stress goes away so will the symptoms.

Friday, April 07, 2006

…with a twist

God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the one I can; And the wisdom to know that person is me.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Birthday

Today is my dad's birthday. I miss him so much.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I HATE Child Care

All forms of child care SUCK! That's all I have to say. I've used all forms of child care -- in someone else's private home, in my home, live in, live out, big expensive secular day care center, small church day care, medium sized church day care. Child care is expensive, unrealiable, and no one cares as much as mommy!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Feed Me

This morning we were running late for church. I remembered Daylight Savings Time and made the appropriate adjustments to my clock. But, a certain someone in our family was just completely and totally unwilling to give up that hour of beauty sleep. As a result, we were rushed and a bit late to church even though we didn't take time to eat breakfast.

As we were driving to church I happened to mention that I was unusually hungry -- maybe due to the fact that I had been awake for an extra hour at this point.

Elizabeth replied, "Don't worry mom. You'll get all the bread you need at church."

Prayer of the Heart: A Sunday Meditation

Place both hands, palms down, over your heart. (Your heart is central in your chest, under the breastbone.) Keep your hands on your heart in a relaxed position of a minute or two, and then say aloud or inwardly in silence, very slowly, with long pauses between each phrase: "The living heart of Jesus Christ is taking form within my heart . . . filling . . . calming . . . restoring . . . bringing new life." (Take a quiet pause, while you envision a warm light glowing in your heart.) "And this new life in my blood flows peacefully, with full healing power through my whole body." At this point you may feel like gently laying your hands on any part of your body that seems to need special help, and you may envision the new current of life through the transformed circulation flowing into that area.

When it seems right, open your hands, palms outward, and say: "And the power of this new life flows into my actions and relationships with others this day."

Then return your hands to your heart, giving thanks in the name of Christ, perhaps praying the beautiful words: "My heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God" (Psalm 84:2).

-- Flora Slosson Wuellner
Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds

Saturday, April 01, 2006

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World.

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about some stuff from my childhood. It doesn’t deal with me directly; although knowing this stuff does provide some insights into what my childhood was like. Frankly, the stuff I’m going to write about doesn’t even meet the threshold for stuff scary/ traumatic/ upsetting enough to discuss with a therapist / counselor when compared with other things from my childhood. This is the stuff that just sits in the back of my brain and cooks. It does color the way I look at the world, but since it’s not about me directly – well… enough introduction, on with the story.

Actually, I do have another small piece of introduction. Some things related to abortion are going to be mentioned in this post. However, nothing in this post is really ABOUT abortion. This is not a pro / con kinda thing. I really don’t want to entertain any discussion around an abortion debate. The mention of abortion is important to the story… but it’s not ABOUT abortion. Therefore, if you surfed into this page because you did a search on that word, please just go away.

OK, enough with the introductions.

Here’s the deal… Most of you know a few facts about my family; however, I’m going to repeat them because if you don’t know these facts, the story and follow-up essay questions will not make sense.

Fact 1: My mom is crazy.
Fact 2: My mom had rubella when she was ten weeks pregnant with my brother. Because of that, my brother was born deaf. Aside from his deafness, he is a perfectly normal person with all his fingers and toes and all of his mental faculties (well at least as normal as you could be after growing up in my family.)
Fact 3: My dad was born into a Jewish Family. He lived his entire youth in Queens, New York. In graduate school (before he met my mom) he had a profound conversion experience and became a Christian. After completing his graduate studies, he went to divinity school to become a Methodist Minister.
Fact 4: The divinity school my dad attended was in the Deep South and his first churches were all in the south.

There are two parts to this story. So, let’s start at the beginning.

Growing up there was a family myth (and I use that word in the technical sense of the word myth) surrounding the events that lead to my mother contracting rubella.

The story goes like this… Since my dad was a big city slicker Jew boy, he was hated by most of the parishioners at the church where he was assigned (remember we’re talking Deep South in 1964.) According to the original story, a woman in the church knew that her daughter had rubella and knew that her daughter was contagious, but her daughter didn’t look sick. So, at church one Sunday when greeting my mom, the woman told her daughter, “Go give the nice minister’s wife a big hug.” My mom ended up getting such a horrific case of rubella the teaching hospital at Duke University took pictures of my mom’s body for a text book. Additionally, at this time and place, abortion was illegal except for medically necessary situations. The doctor’s offered my mom an abortion, but she refused it.

That’s the story I believed until my late thirties. When my dad realized that he was losing his memory to cancer he started telling me a lot of the family secrets. He said he didn’t want them to get lost.

One of the things he said was that the story I just told you was completely and totally made up. Well, the part about the text book pictures and being offered an abortion were true. But he said my mom completely fabricated the entire story about how she contracted the illness.

According to my dad’s account, most of the people in his church didn’t hate him that much. Nobody loved him, and that fact that he was a northern Jew boy was an issue for some people. But he said there was no one in the church that would have given my mom rubella on purpose.

He said that during that period my mom was exceptionally depressed. He said that my mom only had one friend. It was that friend’s daughter who had rubella. According to my dad, the doctor told my mom that she had to stay away from that person until her daughter was no longer contagious. But, he said, that she didn’t want to stay away from her friend; so she took the risk (knowing full well that deafness was just one of the possible outcomes and frankly one of the better possible outcomes at that.) He said that my mom deliberately and repeatedly went over to that friend’s house knowing that she was putting her child at risk.

I have to honest with you. I’m having a really hard time with this. My mom is crazy. My mom has done some horrible things to me. But I’m having a really hard time wrapping my brain around this story.

My dad is not a liar. He knew full well that telling me this story was going to be upsetting to me. I’ve always believed that he told me because he felt some complicit guilt for not stopping my mom. Honestly, I don’t know what my dad could have done to stop her. But my dad and I are a lot a like and I know I’d be feeling pretty damned guilty if I were him. I think my dad told me to try and ease his conscious at the end of his life. I wish he had told someone else, but I don’t really hold it against him that he told me. I mean, how can a mother do that to her child? I don’t care how friggin’ depressed you are!

I’m not sure why I’m telling this story. I guess for some of the same reasons that I attribute to my dad. This really is an awful burden to bear. Ever since my dad told me that story… I can’t look at my mother or my brother the same way. Being deaf has caused him so much heartache and so many difficulties. HOW COULD SHE DO THAT???? And Lord only knows… what if his disabilities had been worse?

Well, that’s the first half of the story. Then there is the part from my actual childhood. This didn’t happen often, but every once in a while my mom would say terrible things to my brother. She said these things in front of me. This is not hearsay.

Once in a while, my mom would get really, really mad at my brother. She would scream at him. She would get so mad that she would say things like… You know, I could have had a legal abortion when I was pregnant with you. I really wish I’d had that abortion when I had the chance. The first time I remember my mom saying this I was about nine or ten (that means my brother would have been seven or eight at the time.) The last time I heard her say it, I was in college.

The first time she said it, everything and everyone stopped. Obviously we were in the middle of big family blow-up so at the moment she said that (I mean yelled) we were all running in different directions, screaming our heads off, and trying to take cover so we wouldn’t get beaten. When she said that, everyone stopped dead in their tracks. I wasn’t completely clear what the word abortion meant, but I had a clue. I’d heard the family myth enough times to realize that:
1) since abortion was illegal at the time, being offered a legal abortion was a big deal
2) my brother would no longer be my brother if she had the abortion
3) that was a really mean thing to say to someone

At the time, she would never apologize for saying that. She said it was our fault (the collective family) for pushing her to her limits where she would be forced to say such a thing. Nothing was ever her fault.

I remember the last time she said it, too. I remember the look on my brother’s face. It was so sad that I just started to cry. How could a mother ever say that to her child? How???

Recently I asked her some questions about my childhood. I didn’t specifically ask her about this. But my mom now claims that she has complete and total amnesia regarding my childhood. She claims she doesn’t remember anything. It’s funny… she seems to remember what Santa brought me when I was ten. She remembers the one and only vacation we took when I was 12. She remembers the birthday that I got my first Barbie. So I’ve taken this all to mean that she’s not going to talk about what happened during my childhood.

I had said there were going to be essay questions at the end of this. But truthfully, I don’t really expect answers. My questions are simple to ask, but impossible to answer.

How could she do these things?
Why did she do them?
What would possess a mother?
Why didn’t someone stop her?

Please, if you have answers, please, please share. But if I’m anything, I’m pragmatic. I’m not really expecting any answers.