Saturday, July 08, 2006

File under: What the ??? was she thinking.

About ten years ago, give or take a few years, I was going through a period that I've termed my "Angry White Chick Phase." It was fortunate for me that I timed this phase in my life with rise of such famous angry white chicks as Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos among others. Actually, my entire play list consisted of:

** Alanis and Tori as mentioned above
** Fiona Apple
** PJ Harvey
** Bikini Kill

So one day I just happened to find out that Fiona Apple was going to play a concert that night in a quaint, smallish venue in my area. I figured the theater was small enough that no seat would be a bad seat and rushed out for tickets.

Ms Apple was working her way through the set when she paused to talk with the audience. She said the next song she was going to sing had been requested by a woman (girl?) in the audience and she was dedicating this song to her boyfriend.

Sweet, I thought. It sure was supper nice of that woman to dedicate a song to her boyfriend and especially even more supper-dupper kind of Ms Apple to take the time to announce the dedication.

The music started to play and I couldn't believe my ears... The song she was singing was on her first album. But it had to be a mistake! This couldn't be the song that a woman would dedicate to her boyfriend... could it? Would someone really dedicate a song called "Carrion" to a boyfriend?

It's been a long time since that concert and some times I still wonder about that dedication... did the girl just like the music without listening to the words? Was it an inside joke? Or... was this woman cleverly and maliciously and very publicly breaking up with that guy? Now talk about one angry white chick!


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