Monday, June 26, 2006

Does he ever…

Saturday we drove into the District to see Barbie Live in Fairytopia. Elizabeth was in seventh heaven, but that’s another post.

When we were going home, we happened upon one of the barricaded gates leading into the White House. I pointed it out to Elizabeth and told her to keep an eye out because she’d get to see the White House in a few minutes. She’s young enough that this is still exciting to her.

We were sitting at a red light on Pennsylvania Ave. and Elizabeth was pondering the barricade and the gates.

E: Does he ever get to go out?

M: Who?

E: The president. Does the president ever get to go out?

M: Oh yeah, sure. He goes out.

E: Where does he go?

M: He goes to meetings and he gives speeches and stuff like that.

E: How do you know he goes out?

M: A lot of the time it’s on the news.

E: Oh, I guess I should start watching the news.

Elizabeth pondered this some more as we drove down Constitution Ave.

E: Does he ever get to go other places?

M: What do you mean?

E: Well, does he ever get to go grocery shopping or clothes shopping?

M: No, I don’t think so. I think they have people who do that for him.

E: I bet that makes him pretty sad.


Blogger kate said...

Ha! The little clothes horse!
Any time anyone wants to take over grocery and clothes shopping for me, let me know. You can have at it.
Did you tell her he gets his own jet, helicopter, etc.? That oughtta impress her.

3:16 PM  

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