Thursday, June 15, 2006


I talked to my brother today. The one that lives in the mid-west. He's on disability. You know, the one whose wife nearly died delivering twins back in November. The twins were preemie so they've been going to therapy and getting lots of extra attention.

My brother told me they think his young son, Ryan, has cerebral palsy. It hasn't been officially diagnosed but both the ped and the physical therapist are pretty sure. My brother did a lot of work with child with CP before he became disabled and even he recognized the signs and symptoms but didn't say anything until the doctor and the PT spoke up. I guess we really shouldn't jump to conclusions... but then again?

Why? Why is God doing this to them? They have so little and they just don't have the resources to care for a child with such a disability. I don't know what they are going to do... What is God's plan? What is the reason for this? Why?


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