Friday, January 27, 2006

Paul Anka was Right…

Often times relationships end. It’s part of life. People move in and out of our sphere of existence. Sometimes we don’t even notice that a person is gone until some off beat reminder pops up in front of us. Then we pause and say, “Hey, I wonder what ever happened to…” Those are the easy ones. We ponder their absence for a second or two, shake our heads wistfully, and go on about out day.

But sometimes a person is ripped out of our life before we’re ready to let go. We rarely have control over when or how this will occur. Most of the time, we are sorely unprepared for the loss. The news slaps us upside the head and drops us on our butts as our teeth clench together and our spine is compressed by the weight of the loss.

It’s times like this that we have to ask ourselves; what’s the point? Why should we allow ourselves to be so hurt? It really stings when they haven’t been completely honest about their plans. They encourage us to open up… to trust… and to let them inside all the while plotting their flight. Would it not have been more honest to say I’m thinking about a career change… a move… something different… why don’t we take things slowly until I make up my mind. No! They push us and weasel their way under our skin just so they can rip it off and leave a gaping wound.


Blogger Deanna said...

I hear ya. I'm still hurting from the emotionally violent end of one of my dearest friendships about a year ago. Not sure if the wound will ever really heal.


8:47 PM  

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