Sunday, May 07, 2006

Past Loves

Since the only way I will get a Mother's Day gift is for me to make it happen, I took Elizabeth to Clay Cafe today to let her pick out something to paint and fire. I let her pick out something for herself, too. It seemed kind of selfish to say, "Here, go buy me a present."

But that's not really what this is about. No, the manager lady at the Clay Cafe was about the same age as me. She had on a radio station that playing a whole bunch of oldies. Oh, god how that word makes me shudder in relation to these songs. You see, they were playing the music of my life. They were playing the bubble gum pop (aka: music completely lacking in any artistic merit) to which I first fell in love.

They say you never forget you're first love. But I had three...

Bet you'll never guess which Monkey I loved. Hint: His mother invented White Out (or at least that's the urban legend.)


Blogger Sonja Andrews said...

Have you seen pictures of David Cassidy lately? He's looking more and more like his father ... it's kind of weird ... I had a huge crush on him too. I'd go to the grocery store with my mom on Saturdays so I could stand by the magazine rack and read all the teeny-bopper rag magazines because she wouldn't let me buy any of them. Remember? Tiger Beat? After a while he fell from favor and I moved on to Donny Osmond.

6:52 AM  

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