Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Strange Days - The List

1. The ex will not be homeless! Yes, he is still going to loose his house and most of his worldly possessions. But he will have some sort of roof over his head... a half-way house, involuntary commitment, Section 8 housing... something.
2. The ex is not compliant with his meds and has not been entirely honest about the amount of help he can get from the folks at the hospital.
3. He has been living in a house with no working toilets.
4. Going through old pictures and family heirlooms when you're already depressed is dangerous.
5. I have really super, great friends. (thanks Israel, Schuyler, Maggie, and Mike)
6. My au pair called me crying and wanted me to come home right away. Because of language / translation issues she thought one of my books on prayer was evil.
7. Tomorrow my house is going to be anointed with holy oil.
8. It's OK to set a reasonable punishment for your child and follow through with it.
9. King Tut artifacts are going to be in Philly next year and I reserved my tickets.
10. I missed having a piano in the house.
11. My fingers are sore from running scales.
12. Tomorrow I will lose something very important.
13. Grocery shopping at 8:30 PM without having dinner first is very costly.
14. I can't leave a list with 13 items.


Blogger [REDACTED] said...

Two comments from me:
1) I don't know how many times I've been bitten by number 13. "Oh yes we DO need two bags of potato chips, three boxes of fruit snacks and whole roasted chicken!

2) I am really curious to know what it was in that book that came across as evil.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Well, it's a book on how to do prayer better. Erin was giving away some books at church and Mike said I should take / read it so I did. She never made it past the Preface. There were two things that upset her.

1) He was introducing who should read the book and I don't remember the exact wording but he was saying something like... if you're not sure where to start on your prayer journey and if you're really busy and overwhelmed by life, "then you're like me" and this book will help you. She didn't understand the phrase "then you're like me." That phrase really spooked her and it took me a good twenty minutes to explain it in a way that she understood the intent.

2) The author went on the say that this book was for "all the 'Marthas', not for the Marys." First off she didn't recognize the names Martha and Mary; I think it's a translation thing. But the fact that they were the plural forms of the names really through her for a loop. I had to point her to the story in Luke and even then it took some time to explain the literary use of the comparison.

The other thing that really freaked her out was a copy of a Woman's Devotional Bible (NIV) that was given to me by the director of Elizabeth's Christian pre-school when we left NJ. I never did find out what about the Bible spooked her.

4:30 PM  
Blogger WMS said...

I had a long talk with her and I still don't know exactly the kind of people she is going to church with, but I do know that she's quite similar in her search for Chrismatic mystical knowledge as I was as a Charismatic. That can be bad and good. Especially bad when "books are evil" and "pastors are always of God"... I think you'll be good for her if she can hear you. :)

11:30 PM  

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