Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Good news... sorta

Last week I talked to the ex again during Elizabeth's weekly phone visit. He was and is still panicked about his near-term future. He asked me to contact his uncle to ask for help. That was a request I could handle. So I sent the uncle a long email reminding him of the ex's situation and outlining some specific help the ex needs. Things like helping him fill out paper work to get on SSDI.

Last night was Elizabeth's phone visit with her dad. The ex told me that he had just hung up with his uncle and they were going to help him. Today the uncle sent me a long email detailing how they were going to help. They have agreed to help the ex get signed up for SSDI and section 8 housing. They have also agreed to store his belongings until he gets housing.

The bad news is that there is a 2 - 3 year waiting list for section 8 housing in NJ. The uncle has not agreed to let the ex live with him, so there is still a chance he will end up on the street. But at least the uncle has started to help out. Maybe having someone physically closer, who can actually go with the ex to the agencies might help. Maybe they will find someplace for the ex to live or maybe the uncle will start to feel sorry for him and let the ex live with him for awhile. In any case, at least someone is doing something to help him. That's a start.


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