Wednesday, December 21, 2005

and there's bad news...

When it rains it pours, but at least it's not raining on me today.

I just got an email from ex-aunt-in-law... if there is such a thing. She's Steve's aunt. Seems that the folks in charge of the nursing home where his mother is have filed for custody of his mother. He's been totally non-responsive. He hasn't completed any of the paper work for her to go on Medicare and she's been there since the late spring. So that means they haven't gotten paid. They're claiming she's been abandoned.

Now, this may seem like it's not such a big deal. However, the house he's living in has his mother's name on the deed. It's a long story why her name is there... but it is there. So, he was supposed to file all this paper work to take her name off the deed -- but he never did. So now, Medicare wants the house. Since he hasn't done the paper work and he's "legally" abandoned his mother and the case has started to work it's way though the legal system... it's just a matter of time before he is homeless.

And I can't make this one go away with a fax.


Blogger Sonja Andrews said...

Liz ... this is just heartbreaking. But you are so right. You can't make it go away and you must'nt own it. Do the things you can do. The rest, we will all pray about, and God will work His small and large miracles, here and in the hereafter.

12:15 PM  

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