Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Celebration of Strong Women!

Today my friend posted her daughter's Halloween picture. She dressed up like a doctor. When I looked at the picture, it was very clear to me that she was a doctor... and yet two men called her a nurse. What nerve! So, I say we women have to band together and show our strength!

First, I have riddle for you:

A father and son went out for a car ride. They were involved in an awful car crash. The father was killed instantly and the son needed surgery immediately. The son was rushed to the hospital and preped for the operation.

The surgeon walked into the operating room, took one look at the patient and said, "I can't do the surgery, that is my son."

How can that be?

Now, in honor of Strong Women... I want to share a few of the photos of Margaret Bourke-White. Her photos and the work she did as a photo journalist proves that woman really can keep up with good ol' boys...

Margaret Bourke-White, Self Portrait 1943

Margaret at work...

Chrysler Building Tower, 1931


Blogger Rebecca said...

I'll be first in line to buy a Margaret Bourke-White doll :)

9:28 AM  
Blogger Maggie said...

Ooh, good question Stacy. Of course there are strong women nurses. You, of course and various women in history including Clara Barton. I guess that we are more impressed with female doctors because there are fewer of them. And it is sad that a woman doctor might be assumed to be a nurse because "doctor" is a traditionally male role. That said, I am extremely impressed with nurses, male and female, especially ones who work all hours of the night in high intensity wards such as the ER or labor and delivery. I can't think of another field where one is required to be so intelligent, hard-working AND caring.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Oh Stacy I didn't mean to make a slight against women nurses - sorry if my post implied that. As far as Sophie goes her costume actually says "doctor" on it over the shirt pocket in 1 inch high letters. Which is part of what peeved me. It would be the same if someone thought the woman was the assistant and the man was the boss in any professional setting. It might be the case but the assumption that the woman is in the lower paying job and the higher paying role is for the man - peeves me off a bit. I think nursing is definately a field worthy of respect - really as much as doctors - they are far more helpful to me than the doctors anyways and they work harder!

I think it's the same to me when people assume the mom will change the diapers and do all the domestic duties. It's more about the assumption than the actual role. Heck I'm a stay at home mom - pretty traditional role right now, but I get peeved when people assume that makes me the primary parent in all capacities - because I'm a woman.

It's the assumption that women are relegated to certain roles professionally (one which I'm in right now) and that others are for the boys - that gets at me.

12:55 PM  

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