Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Did you know, you have a protected right to own a dog?

Ah... or is that a right to assemble? Gee, I'm actually a little sick to my stomach right now. More Americans can name two of the five Simpsons than can name one of the five rights guaranteed by the first amendment?

I just came across an article on MSNBC that reports only one in four Americans can name more than one freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment while more than half of the 1000 adults surveyed by phone could name at least Simpsons.

In fact, 22% could name all five Simpsons. When it came to naming all five First Amendment rights, one ONE in 1000 could do it.

Oh, but it gets better... about one in five Americans surveyed actually believed that the right to own a pet was included in the First Amendment. And let me ask you this. How many TV shows have you seen where someone pleads the fifth? I wonder what all those actors are pleading to. I always thought it was the right against self-incrimination. But according to 38% of Americans, that right is actually included in the First Amendment.

Hmmm... I can't help but wonder if I was reading the right version of the Bill of Rights when I was in school.

By the way, in case you're wondering the answer is "Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances"


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