Thursday, April 05, 2012


Why is it so hard to pray to God, Dayenu, and mean it every single day
It should roll off my lips a thousand times, times ten

Had He brought us out of Egypt
No question, Dayenu!
Had He split the sea for us
Of course Dayenu again and again Dayenu!

Had He given us Sabbath, or brought us into the Land of Israel
Had His son fed the poor, healed the blind, or died for our sins,
Dayenu! Dayenu! Dayenu! The most joyous song falls from my lips
I dance in the grace of our God

But when I pay the month’s bills I can barely sputter a thank-you to God for paying all the bills
When I lie awake at night stressing my troubles I can barely acknowledge my warm comfortable bed
When I have that certain craving that I can’t quite identify, I’m tempted to curse God rather than feel blessed by all the healthy, tasty food I have at my finger tips

So this year I will again eat my unleavened bread and charoset, my Easter bunny’s ears and hot crossed buns
And when I next toss and turn, I will tell God if you had given me a soft bed and not given me a cozy blanket and downy pillow
Dayenu, it would have sufficed


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